

I created a simple utilitarian project recently in the form of a TamperMonkey script. So what TamperMonkey? The answer is that it is a that executes a little bit of user-defined Javascript on certain webpages. The script I developed is just a simple way to add some custom links onto every Wikipedia page. As you

Cordova Bluetooth Plugin for the Kundalini Piano Mirror


<this is a draft article, and is not complete> Introduction This post provides some implementation notes on the Cordova Plugin I wrote to interface with the Kundalini Piano Mirror. Complete source code for the plugin is available here: https://github.com/BenjaminPritchard/cordova-plugin-kundalini-piano-bt The Piano Mirror is a Raspberri-PI based device I created which interfaces to a digital piano

Alma Deutscher


Anna Deutscher is one of my favorite composers and musicians. I discovered her via YouTube somehow, and think her compositions are amazing. In some of her clips, she describes her creative process, which mostly involves stuff like “swinging a jump-rope over her head” to discover melodies. Because she is so young, I think connecting to